La vie en société, les problèmes de discrimination
I.Le vocabulaire
La vie en société les problèmes de discrimination3
Les rapports aux autres
- kind : gentil ; kindness : la gentillesse
- sympathetic : compatissant
- thoughtful : attentionné
- friendly : amical
- understanding : compréhensif
- to help someone : aider quelqu’un
- to support someone : soutenir quelqu’un.
Ex. : Her family supported her through that painful time. Sa famille l’a soutenue pendant cette période douloureuse.
- to respect one’s point of view : respecter le point de vue de.
Ex. : I respect your point of view although I disagree with it. Je respecte ton point de vue bien que je ne sois pas d’accord.
- mean : méchant ; meanness : la méchanceté
- to do someone harm : faire du mal à.
Ex. : She did him harm by telling him the truth. Elle lui fit du mal en lui disant la vérité.
- out of spite : par méchanceté ; out of jealousy : par jalousie
- La discrimination
- racial discrimination : la discrimination raciale ; discrimination at work : la discrimination au travail
- to be discriminated against : être l’objet de
Ex. : Women are discriminated against at work when they dont get equal pay. Les femmes sont l’objet de discrimination lorsqu’elles n’obtiennent pas l’égalité des salaires.
- to be prejudiced against : avoir des préjugés
Ex. : Her employer denied being prejudiced against her. Son employeur nia avoir des préjugés à son égard.
- a prejudiced society : une société raciste
- to segregate : séparer
- to live under apartheid : vivre sous un régime d’apartheid
La violence raciale
- hatred : la haine
- verbal abuse : des insultes verbales
- racist slurs : des insultes racistes ; racist taunts : des provocations racistes
- to threaten : menacer
- to carry out a threat : porter une menace à exécution
- to beat up :
Ex. : Black people were often beaten up under apartheid. Les Noirs étaient souvent passés à tabac sous l’apartheid.
- a riot : une émeute
- a flare-up : une flambée de violence
- La lutte contre la discrimination
- civil rights : les droits civiques ; equal rights : l’égalité des droits
- to get equal pay : obtenir l’égalité des salaires
- to outlaw racial discrimination : proscrire la discrimination raciale
- to fight for one’s rights : se battre pour ses
Ex. : Black people fought for their rights and to outlaw racial discrimination. Les Noirs se sont battus pour leurs droits et pour proscrire la dscrimination raciale.
- affirmative action : action en faveur des minorités/ discrimination
Ex. : Affirmative action means employing people who are usually treated unfairly because of the color of their skin, or their sex. La discrimination positive consiste à embaucher des personnes qui reçoivent d’habitude un traitement injuste en raison de la couleur de leur peau, ou leur sexe.
- to march against : défiler contre
- civil desobedience : la désobéissance
Ex. : Martin Luther King advocated civil desobedience. Martin Luther King prônait la désobéissance civile.
II.Les questions d'expression types
Can a woman be as successful in life as a man today?
- Men and women don’t have the same strengths and weaknesses. Women tend to be more understanding and patient than men while men are often more ambitious and opportunistic than
- I think a woman can be as successful as a man today but she has to work harder to achieve
- I don’t think a woman can be as successful as a man in terms of salary : a woman chief executive won’t get the same salary as a man for the same job/ the same
- Women still have to prove what they are
- It is harder for women to become as successful as men since they also have to deal with pregnancies and maternity leaves, whereas men can focus/ concentrate more on work.
Are cultural and racial differences an adventure or an obstacle in a marriage?
- Cultural and racial differences in a marriage are, in my opinion, more an adventure than an
- I can only see advantages to marrying someone from another
- Multiracial couples have the opportunity of discovering new ways of life, of sharing other cultures and
- Nevertheless I guess that if the differences are too important –religious differences in particular – they may become an obstacle.
- But I’m sure that the key to a successful multiracial marriage is to accept those differences, and to give the other enough room to live according to his/her beliefs and culture.