L’école, la vie d’étudiant
I.Le vocabulaire
L’école la vie d’étudiant3
Les professeurs
- the teacher : le professeur
- the headmaster/ the headmistress : le (la) principal(e)
- to teach someone something : enseigner quelque chose à quelqu’un.
Ex. : He taught her to read. Il lui a appris à lire.
- lenient : indulgent
- authoritarian : autoritaire
- to earn respect : se faire respecter
Ex. : He earnt their respect by being understanding and fair. Il se fit respecter en se montrant compréhensif et juste.
Les cours
- to go to school : aller à l’école
- to attend school : assister aux cours
- a schoolgirl/ a schoolboy : un écolier/ une écolière
- a pupil : un élève ; a student : un étudiant
- a sixth former (UK)/ a senior : un élève de terminale
- a subject : une matière
- a term : un trimestre
- a course : un cours
Ex. : Mrs Taylor teaches a course in English Literature. Mme Taylor enseigne la littérature britannique.
- a period : une heure de cours
- a break : une récréation
- a timetable/ a schedule : un emploi du temps
- homework : les devoirs
Ex. : Pupils always complain they have too much homework. Les élèves se plaignent toujours d’avoir trop de devoirs!
Les résultats scolaires
- to be good at : être bon en/ to be weak in : être mauvais en
- a mark/ a grade : une note
- a written test : une interrogation écrite
- a mock exam : un examen blanc
- to sit for an exam : passer un examen
- to pass : réussir
- to fail : échouer
Ex. : Paul sat for that exam three times before passing it.
- to go up into : passer dans la classe supérieure
- to repeat :redoubler ; a repeater : un redoublant
- to drop out of school : quitter l’école
Ex. : He dropped out of school because he wasn’t interested.
- talented : doué ; bright, smart : intelligent
- hardworking : travailleur
- lazy : paresseux
- absent-minded : distrait
- an average student : un élève moyen
- Le règlement
- to break the rules : enfreindre le règlement.
Ex. : Ann broke the rules: she got caught smoking at school. Ann a enfreint le règlement : on l’a attrapée en train de fumer dans l’enceinte de l’école.
- to cut lessons : sécher les cours ; to play truant : faire l’école buissonnière
- to be kept in detention : être retenu.
Ex. : He so often cuts lessons that he is kept in detention every saturday till the end of the year. Il sèche si souvent les cours qu’il est retenu tous les samedis jusqu’à la fin de l’année.
- to be suspended : être
Ex. : He was suspended after stealing from another student’s bag. Il a été renvoyé après avoir volé dans le sac d’un autre étudiant.
- to continue one’s studies : poursuivre ses études
- to go to university : aller à l’université
- further education/ higher education : les études supérieures
- to win a scholarship: obtenir une
Ex. : She won a scholarship because she is very bright and extremely hardworking. Elle a obtenu une bourse parce qu’elle est très intelligente et extrêmement travailleuse.
II.Les questions d'expression types
- Would you agree to wear a school uniform? Why or why not?
- Wearing a school uniform wouldn’t bother me. It would be out of
- I would agree to wear a uniform. I wouldn’t mind wearing a
- I would agree because I believe it would be a good way to erase social differences between the
- If we all wear the same uniform, we can’t tell who is rich and who is
- Teenagers care about their looks too
- Teenagers want to be trendy/ fashionable : they want their parents to buy them the most fashionable pair of jeans.
- Pupils who come from a poor background can’t afford to buy the latest items of
- I would totally disagree to wear a uniform because I think it would prevent me from feeling free.
- I would most probably feel like a sheep if we were all dressed alike!
- I wouldn’t feel different and unique
- Do you think school results are important? Why or why not?
- I think our school results are essential since they reveal/ they show/ they express how good or how weak we are in a given subject.
- Grades are the only fair way to assess our progress/ our knowledge/ how much we have
- I’m not sure grades reflect what we are
- Some pupils forget everything they know when they are under the pressure of an exam.
- School results don’t take into account the state you were in or how you felt the day you took the
- I believe school results are not very fair ; they don’t always reflect the time spent studying the
- Some students are talented and don’t need to work a lot and will still get high grades but other students, maybe less bright, will work a lot and won’t get good